Final Time For The Year
Are you ready to come together in a live, hands on environment of learning and sharing.
For the LOVE of Food is a three day, 15 hour+ program where you’ll be unpacking
nutrition, digestion and psychology of food through Ayurveda.
Over three days, you’ll visit Ayurvedic principles, share experiences and prepare food for meals that balance and nourish,
understanding fully the why, what and how.
“After breathing, eating is your most important bodily function - and at the core of this is your digestion. Whatever you eat needs to be digested and assimilated to create your vital essence and bodily intelligence.”
For The Love of Food
This short video explains more about this comprehensive Ayurvedic Nutrition, Digestion and Food Psychology program.
Robyn explains the program and outlines how understanding Ayurvedic Nutrition empowers you to look after your health.
This long-awaited comprehensive Nutrition, Digestion and Food Psychology Program is a must-do for you if you’re:
Confused about the myriad of diets and eating plans.
Searching for “real” nutrition guidance, knowledge and tools.
Just wanting to feel healthier, have more energy & great digestion.
And would like to be competent in:
Changing long-term limiting behaviours around food
Creating a diet that actually nourishes you
Using your kitchen as a pharmacy to address common health issues.
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.
When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
For The LOVE of Food supports you in creating a diet and relationship with food that is both nourishing and empowering.
Through this program, you’ll master the principles of digestion and food choices.
In this first full day of the program you’ll be introduced to the Ayurvedic perspective of Food As Sacred. The importance of not only what we eat, but how and why we choose the food, prepare the food and eat the food.
Session 1 -9:30am - 10.45am
Ayurvedic Food Psychology
The opening of this program asks you to re-assess your relationship with food; your ideas about how, what and why you eat. You’ll be introduced to the Triad of Ayurvedic Nutrition and the Ayurveda Blueprint. Your nutrition journey starts here.
Session 2 - 11:15am - 12:30pm
Digestion - Ayurveda Building Blocks
In this session you’ll explore the building blocks of everything; the elements. You'll see the influence of the elements in creating balance through the doshas, dhatus and 6 tastes. Revisit the very base of Ayurvedic knowledge as the base of nutrition and digestion.
Session 3&4: 2.00pm-3.15pm, 3.45-5pm
Digestion & Metabolism - An Ayurvedic Overview
Be empowered to navigate your digestion & metabolism daily.
In this digestion you’ll explore how your digestion works, what it leads to, both good and poor, and how to enhance it. You’ll also answer the question of what your metabolism is like and tools you can use to map it on a daily basis.
Optional For You: Begin the day with a cleansing and clearing morning yoga, meditation & pranayam practice.
7-8am at the Studio.
Session 5 - 9:45- 12:30pm
Hands-on Cooking
Prepare, cook and eat. This is a relaxed full morning of hands-on cooking, interspersed with tasting, discussion and lots of jotting things down on recipes and in note books.
Session 6 & 7: 2.00 - 3.15pm; 3.45-5.00pm
Nutrition - Let Food Be Thy Medicine
The last part of the triad - Nutrition.
In this session you’ll be taking an extensive look at tastes, qualities and digestive effects of foods. Understanding the qualities of foods, and their digestive energy will help you to create balanced meal plans for yourself and your family. Learn how to adapt your favourite recipes to make them easier on your digestion.
This is where you’ll rethink both the what and the how-to of eating. You’ll take an in depth dive into the importance of your choices around the food you eat, the way you prepare it, how and when you eat it.
Session 8 - 9:30am - 10:45am
Food Incompatibilities & Home Remedies
So what is it you have going on?
Bloating, gas, constipation, skin rashes, headaches, nausea, reflux, sore throat, lack of appetite, grumbly tummy?This session you’ll be supported with kitchen remedies for common complaints that you can start using right now for yourself and your family.
Session 9 - 11:15am - 12:30pm
Questions, Tips & Take-Aways
Making sure you’re completely ready to bring this knowledge into your life and your kitchen.
Throughout the program you’ll Receive Focused support Materials Including
50 Page Handbook, Ayurvedic Food Lists & Take-Home Recipes.
“If you strive for bliss, your diet should be such that new disease cannot manifest, and existing disease is alleviated.”
Friday, Saturday, Sunday | 18, 19, 20 November 2022
All live and hands on
At Perfect Health Centre, Cowra, NSW
This program Is Happily Limited To 12 Participants
Full Price $1197
Your Investment - Just $697
(Afterpay available)
Ayurveda has been supporting humans for thousands of year to create longer, happier and healthier lives.
The principles are timeless because they are directly linked with the laws of nature.
Through this program you’ll be grounded in applying these principles not only to your diet, but also to your family’s.
This knowledge has changed my relationship with food on every level,
and with that understanding not only my health but my whole life has changed.
Once you’ve discovered these principles and how effective they are,
your kitchen will become the most empowering room in your home.
“Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.”
Hosted by Robyn Lynch, Ayurvedic Practitioner
Robyn has a passion for 'True Wellness’.
Her dream is that all people have access to the wisdom of self-knowing that allows each of us to experience our inherent freedom. As the founder of The Perfect Health Centre, she’s facilitated life-changing programs for thousands of clients. Robyn has a B. Ed and has studied extensively in Ayurvedic Medicine, Yoga, Meditation and breakthrough healing practices. Her qualifications include being an Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner, holding a Masters from the Chopra Centre University and she is currently lecturer on the Faculty of IYTA. (International Yoga Teachers Association.)